Mubasher Trade Egypt Provider of The Most Advanced Online Stock Trading Platforms in Egypt & the Middle East.
We'll help you make the right investment moves by providing the technical reports and financial researches prepared by specialized analysts.
Established in 2007, Mubasher Financial Services is a trusted name in brokerage and is fully committed to the protection of its clients' funds.
Lowest Commission According to your Monthly Trade Value “Buy or Sell”
Mubasher Islami caters for the needs of investors looking to deal with Sharia-compliant securities. We will enable your trading experience to match your needs.
Our cutting-edge trading platforms have won many awards over the last few years and are an industry benchmark. See for yourself which one.
We are here to support you during the working hours, choose the way you want to interact with our service center
Unlike other online trading platforms, MubasherTrade provides you with All Trading Tools in One Application and Impressive features through different Platforms "Desktop, Website, Android, IOS" kindly type your Contact Details and we will Contact you Shortly...